
Clear responsibilities and effective co-operation. Stable processes and the ability to change. Organisation is always the right balance between major opposites. We find this balance together.

Organisation is never an end in itself!

It is always about effective management and efficient service provision - in a way that motivates employees.

Our expertise in organizational development emphasizes the importance of a balanced and dynamic structure that considers both organizational requirements and the individual needs of employees. Behind this mission lie many challenges, leading us to rigorously examine both organizational structure and processes. A clear structure with equally clear responsibilities is essential for organizational development.

It's about much more than just the well-known "boxes". It's the nuances, the processes, the communication pathways, and the interfaces that truly need optimization to make an organization effective and efficient. With our holistic approach to organizational development, we assist in identifying, understanding, and specifically improving these aspects to promote long-term success and employee satisfaction.

The mistake often lies in stopping at the organizational chart, as it's the attention to detail that makes the difference:

Responsibilities in the organisational units stored with key figures.
Clear - permanent - functions and job descriptions (e.g.: Key Account Manager)
Also clear - temporary / supplementary - roles and role descriptions (e.g.: Project Manager)

Process organisation

Equally important - the process organisation - from the major business processes to the precise work instructions. In many cases, this is where the potential lies: Quality, efficiency and even employee motivation can benefit significantly from the targeted optimisation of processes.

Organisational consulting - typical topics
Establish a management model with clear responsibilities.
Effectively combine agile and stable elements in the organisation.
Sharpen the focus of individual organisational units (governance vs. service vs. expertise).
Design and implement specialised career models.
Bringing years of established implicit knowledge into a common process model.
Strengthen cooperation within the organisation, anchor common goals.
Optimise meeting structures and collaboration sustainably.
Would you like to talk to us about this in person?
Great! Contact our specialist:
Matthias Prammer
Managing Partner